Our Manhattan farewell in a few images
We've probably consumed too many of the slow-dissolve photo montages looking back on the year just concluded. Or too many listicles of the greatest fill-in-the-blanks. But we can't help concluding our series of Manhattan posts with a shout-out to some of the folks in the food industry who made that month so memorable. The urge to feed people is a kind and generous impulse. Thanks to these folks who made us feel appreciated. Here's back at you. Waitress at Junior's in Brooklyn, counter grill cook at S&P Lunch, waiter at Lombardi's Food cart operator for Nathan's Famous, waiter at Sylvia's, waitress at Lexington Candy Shop Frankie Frank at Hajji's Deli, hot dog server at Katz's Delicatessen, counter woman at Magnolia Bakery