strawberries Romanoff

‘Legendary Dinners’ comes just in time to entertain

‘Legendary Dinners’ comes just in time to entertain

We live in one of the most well-vaccinated corners of the world (New England), and that has utterly transformed this summer over the isolation of last year. Not only can we get out and travel, we can have friends over and get reacquainted with the full-length versions rather than the Zoom-screen head and shoulders. So we were very happy to page through Legendary Dinners: From Grace Kelly to Jackson Pollock edited by Anne Peterson (Prestel 2021, $40). It's a literary chimera—half coffee table book about the rich and famous and half surprisingly practical cookbook. Think of it as a mashup of Town & Country and Bon Appétit. The volume is full of tales of the rich and famous. We rubbed shoulders with Coco Chanel, imagined...Read More