Delicious pumpkin seed mole tops salmon steak
Also known as pepían or mole verde, this sauce starts off bright green but mellows to a less neon hue as it cooks. Whereas most moles are thickened with sesame seeds or almonds, this one—as the name suggests—is thickened with a paste of toasted, ground pumpkin seeds. Everything dark in most moles is light and green in this one. Green pumpkin seeds combine with fresh green chiles, fresh green herbs, and fresh green vegetables for an appealingly bright flavor that's welcome in the winter months. Pumpkin seeds—pepitas in Spanish—are widely sold roasted and salted as snack food. But raw seeds are key to getting the right flavor for this sauce. If you can't find them locally, order from Nuts.com. Many traditional Oaxacan recipes call for...Read More